René Smoorenburg

Rolf de Meyere | Bianca Ruiz | René Smoorenburg, 2013

Publisher: Waanders Uitgevers Zwolle.

ISBN: 978 94 91196 41 6

Dimensions: 20 x 23 cm

pages: 95

Wonderschoon is a monograph about contemporary fine painter René Smoorenburg.

His work stands in the long tradition of Dutch still life painting, originated in the seventeenth century, with its highly refined and meticulously executed depiction of reality. Pears, cherries, figs, lemons, onions and tomatoes are favorite subjects. In addition, the painter immortalizes old utensils.


It is striking in all his work that almost no object is 'perfect'. The fruit has a spot here and there, a piece of enamel is missing from the bowl. In the artist's view, imperfection contributes to the beauty of the objects.