Miep Maarse

Dierbare Beelden
Wim van der Beek | Margot Fretz | Miep Maarse | Reint Schölvinck, 2013

Publisher: Waanders Uitgevers Zwolle.

ISBN: 978 94 91196 42 3

Dimensions: 24 x 29 cm

pages: 160

The sculptures by Dutch artist Miep Maarse are optimistic in tone and message. Through her sculptures she shows us her positive view on the world and humanity.


Animals play a major role in Miep Maarse's sculptures. Hippos, elephants and bears serve as a source of inspiration. She knows how to exploit the light-hearted gravity and tenderness of these powerhouses in a professional and original way. Her animals do not become humans, but acquire recognizable human features.